SABIS® Costa Verde Stories

SLO® Leadership Teams: Fully Trained to Kickstart AY20-21!

For the first time ever, the SABIS Student Life Organization® (SLO®) held an exclusive Global Online SLO® Leadership Team Training that gathered all Head Prefects and Deputy Head Prefects across the SABIS® Network. Students from 37 SABIS® schools around the world joined on August 17–21, excited to learn how to take on their roles for the upcoming 2020-2021 academic year, whether online or on campus.

Between 260 and 300 students attended each online session, benefiting from training on a number of important topics for their roles, including how to lead their teams, manage communications, set goals and deadlines, motivate prefects, delegate tasks, and lead and manage meetings. With the uncertainties of return to campus due to the effects of COVID-19, one of the sessions focused on keeping the SLO® Leadership Team proactive in a virtual school environment, to continue supporting their peers remotely while maintaining high morale.

The valuable guidance that the prefects received will help sharpen their skills and empower them to properly adapt to the diverse learning models adopted across the SABIS® Network, whether it’s online, hybrid/blended, or on campus. Students’ feedback on the training was as positive as the outcome, here is what they had to say:

“It was an unforgettable experience and I’m really happy that I was able to be part of it. I learned a lot of things and skills that I will use to improve the SLO® and, moreover, I will definitely need those skills in my future life!”

“Student Life and trainings such as this one, give me the opportunity to be independent and provide me with a sense of belonging and determination. To say that the SLO® has shaped my future in an extremely positive way would be an understatement.”

“This training proved that nothing can stop us from continuing to educate and train our prefects no matter what the situation is.”

“It was a phenomenal experience. I am definitely looking forward to seeing more of these trainings.”

Known as the beating heart of the school, the SLO® is a student-led mini-society that offers everyone involved opportunities for academic, emotional, social, and moral growth. SLO® members are active in their school and their community and lead meaningful initiatives, events, learning sessions, and more. We can confidently say, whether online or on campus, our SLO® prefects are always prepared to make a difference in their school without missing a beat!

Become an active member of your school community – Join the SLO® today!

For more info, contact your school administration.
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